Short benefits of the name of Allah |
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(A gap will be cheated between his enemy and him and he would be hidden from the eyes of enemy. If the strength of words is 22 he should say his name 100 times aciording to the strength, If the strength is 22- he should say the name 2200 times, and the sayes will never feel the need to beg from other.
If he studies prohibited things in sharah caringly fo ferty days and ‘ BAADAHU’ 180 times be himself will become a chemistry. ‘YA SALAAMU YA SALAAM’ This name is also written without the urdu alphabet ‘1’ means ‘ALAF’ and with ‘1’ ALAF’ only figures are changed there fer it has been written twice the sayer of this name get safe from bad deeds and character If we asy this name continuously after the Fajar Prayer, our menteal process and witt will be shar pened the sayer of this name get farmeus for his knowledge and charity and the people in various cities start appreciating the sayer.
‘YA SALAAMU’ ‘YA ALLH’ This [recess of name is very valueable for the the cure of various diseases. If a patient is suffering from a serious disease, we should say this name and the roasary should touch the patient’s head.
When we we finish covnting ar saying this name on roasary is dome, we should place the roadary under the pillar of the patient and we should keep dering this precess for three days by the Grace of God, The patient will start getting better from the first day for unulflilled desires: A personshould pray two ‘RAKAAT’ at midnight in solitude and after praying he should say ‘SALAAMUN QAULAMM MIRRABIR RAHEEM’ in a standing position, his wishes will be fulfilled and if he centinues this process for forty says, he will get the knowledge of visible ad well as hidden things and all creatures will be abedient to him. ‘MOMAN’ Imam Hashtam (R.A) says whoever says this name 136 times daily his heart will be blessed with the waves of faith.
Sheikh Maghrabi (R.A) says if a person says this 1132 times, God shall saue him from backbiting and worng deeds. Sheikh Abdul majeed says if a person says this name by tongue and heart fully determined with divine will and leaues sexual thinking and personal grudge aside and if he is totally away from the awareness of light will be visible at a wall after 41 says which the heart of the sayer will be blessed sivine awareness and he will see himself in heavenly pleasures and after that sayer will have a starange quality whoever sees him will bexome a believer and who ever is sinful will become a good one.
‘YA MUHAIMAN’ this name contains the quality of fear and greatness. It also has a particular effect to dominate the hearts of the enemeies. Its contincouly saying soften the hardest heart. If makes difficut things easy to do Its practice provides the power to bear underable yhings. Neither creatures of God no he himself is harmful to anyone Zafar Jaleel says the person who says this name after taking a bath without talking to another person 18496 times he shall feel a stiring effect in his being. ‘YA AZEEZ-U’ ‘YA MUEZU’ These two names are eaual in aualities and meaning shaiekh bony (R.A) says that this name belongs to some particular names which are said for continuous process repeatedly so this name should not be nerged with anyoyher name. Imam Ahlay Sumat has also quoted this name in his book which is.
‘YA AZEEZU’ ‘YA ALLAH’ this name has been a regular practice in Qaadria Family and it is very valuable. It does not mean that it will lose its impootance if merged with same other names rather it will give stenght to the saying og the other names of God. And if someone wears this name after writing it ring he will be overwhelmed amony his enemies and he will also bereptected amony autherities. He will be safe from worlfly cares. Han if he says.
‘YA MUIZU’ 211 times between the sunnah and Faraz of Fajar prayer, auethorities, rulers and even creatures of God will be obedient to him whoever says. ‘YA AZZEZU’ according to the number of his names saying darood, before and after the process will enjoy comforts of heart and soul.
‘YA JABBARU’ YA QAHAAR’ these two names are aggressive in thair nature and the person who says these name contimeously he possesses the qualities of aggressiveness and overwhelming spirit he will feel comfortable and enjoy heights of respect but if he wants to use this names against the people who are noble and believers, he himself will be disrespected because if is against the dignity of Istam to harm the honour of a belieuer except his crime is unpardonable. Sheikh Bony (R.A) says that the invitation of this name is for forty days.
If someone says this name daily in lonliness 10000 times acordng to terms and condition, he shau enjoy cleanliness of thought and humbleness in natuse with a devine will. Moreover he will also get his wishes fulfilled and deminence over enemies. Sheikh Abdul Abbas says this name is also ualuable for the people because it gives then the negarion for sezual thoughts. |
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