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It has different names.
* It is called ‘Laal’ in Arabic. * It is called ‘Yaqoot’ in Persian. * It is called ‘Ruby’ in Urdu. * It is also called ‘Ruby’ in English. * It is called ‘Maank’ in Hindi. * It is called ‘Param Raag’ in sanscrit. * It is said using the following symbol. * It can be cut with a diamond. * It gives red rays. * It is cleaned with the water of ‘Imli’. * It is also cleaned with olive oil. * Fow/ smoke and sweat spoil it. * It is also devided into two kinds.
(Internal Characteristics)
* This stone is considered the friend of love friendship, leyality etc. * Wearing of this stone increases your rankand respect. * It is very useful for pregnant women. * Wearing of Ruby makes your matrimonial life pleasant. It enhances love between wife and husband. * It increases livelihood and money. * It strengthens eyesight and conbidence wearing of ruby. Make you disciplinarian.
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS * It stops blood to spurt. * It cleans blood. * It is useful for heart. * It removes the defects of eyesight. * It saves you from the disease of plague. * It is useful for cholera and heart. * It is also useful for ‘Ghanthia’ and ‘Naqras’ * It is cure for rirdness and diseases of liver. * It lessens the intensity of thirst. IT IS BENEFICIAL FOR THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE * It is very useful for the people whose star is mars. * The people of Scorpio and Aries get benefit to wear it. * The one birth will get benefit from it. * When Mars Creates bed effects, Wearing of it finishes them. And the Wearer of it will get success. * The person whose names have the number (9) numberly, will be entertaines by it. * It also competes with the bad effects of Mars, Ruby etc and helps to dominate them. |
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