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It has also differentnames in different language. *It is called Ornelian in english. *It is called ‘Aqeeq Yamni’ in Arabic. *It is called ‘Aqeeq’ in persian. *It is called ‘Halaik’ in sanserit. *It is also known as Aqeeq in Urdu.
(IDENTIFICATION) *It is known as a religious stone which is worn by ‘Darvesh’ beggar sadhu or saniasi ets. It is found in different colours eg yellow, white, red, blue, brown. It has been devided into two kinds.
(Internal Characteristics) *It saves you from poverty or famine. *It makes dangerous journey easy and comfortable. *It removes malice or jealousy. *The effects of magic fall flat on it. *It motivates you towards chastity and martydem.
(Physical Qualities) *It stops menses blood in abundance. *It recovers old wounds soon. *It is usefull for poisenous insects. *It prevents the diseases which cause takeing blood to lungs. *It stops blood from coming through urine. *It is useful for brain Hamraj. *It is also useful for dental and gum problems.
(The people it is useful for) *It star of ormalian is mars ornalian will be useful for aries and Aquarius people. *It wearing removes misery in economic matters. *The people whose names start from the following words, it is beneficial for. *It removes the bad effects of (Zohal, Zohra and Attarad) (Chemical Ingrediants) *It chemical ingrediants are the following -Iodine -Barian -Sillica -Zarkoniam -Kaksite |
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