Planet rass has two and a half nachhtar the planet shamas exists in one tvachhtar rounal about 12 days. Any person’s birth nachhtar can be known by the date of hindi month. For example is in birth schedule that is the person’s janam, rass and the associated Nachhtar, with this rass is called parsons nachhar to bith nachhtar and subtract two out of the get figure and them divicse it with nine and the figure that is remaining will start person’s great age from his birth for example if is the remaining figure than the period of planet shameas will be of six years if 2 is remaiing the period of planet lunar will be of 10 years if 3 is remaing the period of rass will be of 18 years if 5 is remaing the period of rass will be of 18 years if 5 is remaing the period uf fupiter will be of 16 years if 6 is remiang the period of satursn will be of 19considered as fiurth. His panct sun will stay for 14 days in nachytar bishakha. But its periods’s 9 days  has consumed in planet meezan and the rest are counted in planet aqrab
This person’s bith nachtar is bishakha that 16 th nachhtar from ashni nachtar and now after subrating 2 out of if and the remaning figure is 14. Now devied it with 9 if I is the remaning answer the 1st period (great) and planet sun’s duration will be of 6 years. If 2 is the remaning figure the lunar’s duration will be of to years if 3 is remaing mass’s of 7 years if 4 is remaning the raas’s of 18 years if 5 is remaing the jupiters of 16 years if 6 is remaning the saturn’s of 19 years if 7 is remaning mercury’s of is years is & is remaning the zanbs’s duration of 7 years and if the o is remaing we should consider venus’s duration of 20 years.