Zaicha TWINS

Disguising of Diocese See the 6th house when your homemade zaicha. If star venus is situsted then patient should have mentne diocease if in 6th house star steru us present the one flonef blood in lihece will be cause of disirve if inb 6 house aur mars come then blood present jaumdice and out on intes wonsd will acear if star sun is present parribulity of bearty disuse will be must.

If star japitar come to then kidnies will be domage and wimary blodder and ateris will be damaged sibet is defect in searl wegm will be occur If star mars only comer then disease histatia it sfca prera epilepre and estamse will occar If star moon comer in 6th house disentary. 

Dudind diseare and dissent of star mars will occur if than is one star then lede the first house if first time one star the direse will be pain fena and mental direure lif inite one star come this to the abdaninl diseuse should be known. If star comer in first unite pain an absubiny as intesent. If star comer in 4th house the diocese will be by cald as dread.

If in 6th house the disase will be hy lack if diet. If in 6th house the disease will be by magic as farts if in setinth house the disese will be becase of boosow wonan fisht failure in any comfirt in sepase any of comes in 9th house then by the use if both drugr as by the trouble of parsase the dioean my stich. If comer in 10th house think whent. 

Enthama sypblir gnpbear. If comer in 11th house the difirt of seouse agan as in uuterus anazin oceur bythe lose. If in ant star come in 12 unite than the wound by feeling from ride the dirase may in occan patent. In zaicha 6th house whichhurf occus And burj of which sart that should be of their can fas coamne. In 6th house saupar and pieares came the diseand of patient should be Bashman and far its sebur in the duction should be piers. The deags may be against the reletion of patient. 

If leu sagtaris in the 6th house of zaicha occur. The patent will be cured by kustatr gat. If hay capricur buy udege burgtbars in 6th d house oceurs. Than tauizat e- anlint will fastly effeat if in 6th house burj jimni. 

Bary diher acure one of then comer that by shant cuse will be better. Alianent od pution disease and star by the knlaurge of Astrolgy the clarsification of baman body is as faelons. The muth and lead is related with burj Aries. Nade and throut with Ataris. 

Asms and hand with Ataris. Arms and hand with jimni, cancer chast and with the their gles with burn. Ahdcoman with virgo. Skin and healthy with libra. Zekxual aigun are relatel with scarpew legs with sigitaris pncos with capricrn cower legs with equaris. And fingis of feat conection with peases. 

The relation of luternal body burj aries with brain taris with thrat and it interal wgens jimni related with tomghe and blood. Cancer with stomach and abdomen. Lew with heast virgo with intestion and gall hiladder. 

Libra with kidneys Scarpew with sea agans utierns and srimuny blodder. Satrtais with new genation caprecan with bord. Aqman with veinl an nerns peases with internal sexargant 

Relation of bones Arius relation with furehrain and should tarits with neck borns. Cancer with chast born lew with beak home. Vira with bahnones both sister hones libra with hiphone. Scarqan with hipontanal borns. 
Dudind diseare and dissent of star mars will occur if than is one star then lede the first house if first time one star the direse will be pain fena and mental direure lif inite one star come this to the abdaninl diseuse should be known. If star comer in first unite pain an absubiny as intesent. If star comer in 4th house the diocese will be by cald as dread.

If in 6th house the disase will be hy lack if diet. If in 6th house the disease will be by magic as farts if in setinth house the disese will be becase of boosow wonan fisht failure in any comfirt in sepase any of comes in 9th house then by the use if both drugr as by the trouble of parsase the dioean my stich. If comer in 10th house think whent. 

Enthama sypblir gnpbear. If comer in 11th house the difirt of seouse agan as in uuterus anazin oceur bythe lose. If in ant star come in 12 unite than the wound by feeling from ride the dirase may in occan patent. In zaicha 6th house whichhurf occus And burj of which sart that should be of their can fas coamne. In 6th house saupar and pieares came the diseand of patient should be Bashman and far its sebur in the duction should be piers. The deags may be against the reletion of patient. 

Disguising of Diocese See the 6th house when your homemade zaicha. If star venus is situsted then patient should have mentne diocease if in 6th house star steru us present the one flonef blood in lihece will be cause of disirve if inb 6 house aur mars come then blood present jaumdice and out on intes wonsd will acear if star sun is present parribulity of bearty disuse will be must.

If star japitar come to then kidnies will be domage and wimary blodder and ateris will be damaged sibet is defect in searl wegm will be occur If star mars only comer then disease histatia it sfca prera epilepre and estamse will occar If star moon comer in 6th house disentary. 

Dudind diseare and dissent of star mars will occur if than is one star then lede the first house if first time one star the direse will be pain fena and mental direure lif inite one star come this to the abdaninl diseuse should be known. If star comer in first unite pain an absubiny as intesent. If star comer in 4th house the diocese will be by cald as dread.

If in 6th house the disase will be hy lack if diet. If in 6th house the disease will be by magic as farts if in setinth house the disese will be becase of boosow wonan fisht failure in any comfirt in sepase any of comes in 9th house then by the use if both drugr as by the trouble of parsase the dioean my stich. If comer in 10th house think whent. 

Enthama sypblir gnpbear. If comer in 11th house the difirt of seouse agan as in uuterus anazin oceur bythe lose. If in ant star come in 12 unite than the wound by feeling from ride the dirase may in occan patent. In zaicha 6th house whichhurf occus And burj of which sart that should be of their can fas coamne. In 6th house saupar and pieares came the diseand of patient should be Bashman and far its sebur in the duction should be piers. The deags may be against the reletion of patient. 

If leu sagtaris in the 6th house of zaicha occur. The patent will be cured by kustatr gat. If hay capricur buy udege burgtbars in 6th d house oceurs. Than tauizat e- anlint will fastly effeat if in 6th house burj jimni. 

Bary diher acure one of then comer that by shant cuse will be better. Alianent od pution disease and star by the knlaurge of Astrolgy the clarsification of baman body is as faelons. The muth and lead is related with burj Aries. Nade and throut with Ataris. 

Asms and hand with Ataris. Arms and hand with jimni, cancer chast and with the their gles with burn. Ahdcoman with virgo. Skin and healthy with libra. Zekxual aigun are relatel with scarpew legs with sigitaris pncos with capricrn cower legs with equaris. And fingis of feat conection with peases. 

The relation of luternal body burj aries with brain taris with thrat and it interal wgens jimni related with tomghe and blood. Cancer with stomach and abdomen. Lew with heast virgo with intestion and gall hiladder. 

Libra with kidneys Scarpew with sea agans utierns and srimuny blodder. Satrtais with new genation caprecan with bord. Aqman with veinl an nerns peases with internal sexargant 

Relation of bones Arius relation with furehrain and should tarits with neck borns. Cancer with chast born lew with beak home. Vira with bahnones both sister hones libra with hiphone. Scarqan with hipontanal borns. 
Dudind diseare and dissent of star mars will occur if than is one star then lede the first house if first time one star the direse will be pain fena and mental direure lif inite one star come this to the abdaninl diseuse should be known. If star comer in first unite pain an absubiny as intesent. If star comer in 4th house the diocese will be by cald as dread.

If in 6th house the disase will be hy lack if diet. If in 6th house the disease will be by magic as farts if in setinth house the disese will be becase of boosow wonan fisht failure in any comfirt in sepase any of comes in 9th house then by the use if both drugr as by the trouble of parsase the dioean my stich. If comer in 10th house think whent. 

Enthama sypblir gnpbear. If comer in 11th house the difirt of seouse agan as in uuterus anazin oceur bythe lose. If in ant star come in 12 unite than the wound by feeling from ride the dirase may in occan patent. In zaicha 6th house whichhurf occus And burj of which sart that should be of their can fas coamne. In 6th house saupar and pieares came the diseand of patient should be Bashman and far its sebur in the duction should be piers. The deags may be against the reletion of patient. 

Sajitaris with left and right hiphors caprianc with knee bones. Aqnaris with anill home. Psces with foot bones. 

Phgical division and Durationof disease When a man getrill. Seek star sun from juntiari Didide this derons. On in of zero seured its fist step If 1 raved the second step If 3 raved the 3rd step If 3 raved the 4th step

Far example One man becameill at zocla in 1952. the we saw the sun from jantry at 21 march. Then star kha are with writarat 45 ghani now we divid 23 zhaies on 4 munzan ltar khas aeg proned 4th. It misearies days are 15, 30 patient will be ill 15 days 

Case See the vidum at 9th house. And see the madu Aliey condition in wind diredion mars are presens that will be succsful. Left inprsre is spal that true will be mator salned. Except it see the zaicha unite one. If anit one star in his friend be cancer power full. In asher will in see the star if it is present in zome friends house the mudaaler lars are it. If dirt stars are in house the madao will win If these stars come with full power. Kider alay will be sacsesfull. 

If its unite satr one this will be and of fight. If 7th house star comes the muda aleg will agree to snlali. If 7th house star come 7 star in 7, 10th house are occurring or in the zaicha 9th lear mars many 0 jupiter come. The vedel aleg will be secsesfull. If the 9th house star sun comer the muda hay will be depented. If zich an 11th house sun mercury Jupiter can the mudee will win. 

If zaicha step in 7th house and moon in 8th house the mudo will win zaicha one star 7th house star me friend shog will be friend. If they are energe the case will run protong. Except it 8atsr is in seltiny pantion lise informer will win. If 7th house mar in setting paition the first informer will win. 

If 7th house star will be on burn foot the informer will win. So in zaicha star grading arning and setting. Storing and many 8th zeuwal . Nazret should be seen will than arder.