This stone has different names. *It is caued ‘Hajrul ‘Tiaad’ in arabic. * It is caued ‘Zamurd’ in persian. *It is called ‘Nappa’ in Urdu.

*It is called ‘Markat’ in ‘Hindi’ *It is called ‘Ushan Garbh’ in Sanserit. * It is emrald in english. It is history is very old. It is matchless in its glow. It is a perminant kind of Jade in all green colours.

(IDENTIFICTION) *No any avid can harm it. *A Whole can be made in it by using sophire.Emrald is lighter in weight as cempared to its body. *If it is seen in ultra white rays, its colour does not change. If it is artificial emrald it looks red. It has been devided into two charaeteristics.

(Internal charaeteristics) *Emrald wearers are safe from horror dreams. *It is very useful for pregnant women . *It removes grudge andbitterness from your nature. *It increases eyesight. *It deminates the enemy and strengthens the heart. *If amrald wearer is Given poisen, he will know about it before hand and his life will be saved. *It saves from the biting of poisenous animals. * It is useful for skin and stomach diseases. *It strenghtens sexual power. *It is also useful for ‘Mirgi’ and ‘Craze’. *It stope high blood pressure and lessens the intensity of birth. *It is cure for Seelan-ur- Reham, Seelab-ul- Luaab.

External/Physical Qualities *It cures the disearse of ‘Sit’ and ‘Dia’ *Emrald wearers remain safe from sugar and urine problems. * It gives peace and strenght to heart and mind. *If it is used for eyes it strenghtens eye sight. * If man and women use emarld by exchanging with each other. Their love will be increasod to a great extent. *The snakes becomes blind to see it.
